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Added Pimp Worm baddie to the game, created and programmed a title screen. Programmed Bubbles as a weapon into the game. Started work on Him as the final boss to the game.

You can try the game here

Townsville Titan Beta by GiantWoman (itch.io)

password is robin

Left arrow moves left

Right arrow moves right

Up arrow is jump

Down arrow to pick up item

D key for punch

W key for uppercut

S key for kick

A is for weapon

1 to switch to Blossom weapon

2 to switch to Buttercup weapon



Adrian Ayotte

This is amazing! Can't wait of what kind of ending this will have! Thank you once more my friend!

Adrian Ayotte

Sorry for the late reply, but yes! After beating him, robin return to normal size and everyone in town even the girls cheer her for saving the day. The next day she watch the news about her as she drink some milk and started growing again! As she gets bigger robin said this: Oh boy! Where we go again! Heh, Heh!