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These are still in WIP form. 

Cosma needs color, and Dani needs tiny David launching cheese balls in her mouth :3

Third pic needs some line work




any update on the loud house game :3


Cosma looks good, looking forward to full color and her hungry for Earth


So many eat Dani. 🤭

A Giant Woman

Sadly, there were some issues around the time I was working on the game, so, we switched from using the assets for the game and put them into use for the Halloween Loud House special, instead. When we do work on games in the future, we plan to use Original Concept characters

A Giant Woman

Yeah, this is from seasonal gorging on Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinner, Thanksgiving leftovers, Christmas candies and New Years party food :)


God there’s something I will never get over seeing women with huge hands, thank you!