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Another request! She ate too much over the holidays :P




Not so fat 😅 but good idea. I like the normal Dani. 😙

Scott Fine

The lineless style is so visually appealing

Mataku Lasame

She looks even cuter with some heft!

Scott Fine

This has inspired me to suggest a couple of videos/gags. Should I DM to see if they are ok to maybe suggest. I understand I’d have to go up a tier but would wanna make sure they are cool before I write up a whole script.

A Giant Woman

Oh, you can leave some suggestions. I did have an idea myself. Maybe David and Dani doing some exercise and its really just David on Dani's belly, throwing cheese puffs into her mouth like a basketball hoop

Scott Fine

Ooooooh! I love that idea! Kinda works a bit with one of my ideas. Maybe for a school project they have to make an eat healthy and do exercise PSA. Dani is the bad examples and maybe David is the good ones but because of his size he gets into hijinx like that. Maybe a tired Dani winds up flopping down on him after working out because she’s so tired. The other idea I had was she gained so she could play like a larger kaiju or Girlzilla has to sumo wrestle a villain in one of their videos. That way you can have some fun and different size gags

Scott Fine

Maybe that's what we can use the Kamala inflating assests for? NEeds to grow large and wrestle a big monster away from the city?


Dani is a chonker now Oh, maybe have this be a game After a heavy Thanksgiving meal, Dani gets a food-induced nightmare and eats tiny sentient food creatures and large food monsters as bosses like a walking Roast Turkey or a Hedorah-like kaiju made of Mashed potatoes?