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Some work so far on a multiverse tier game. Some animations for a giant Robin :3



Adrian Ayotte

That is amazing! You did a marvelous job with it. So tell Me, when the full version of the game will be out?

A Giant Woman

Well, this is your multiverse tier script, so, I'll work on it each month that you're subscribed to the tier and want me to work on it. I'll try to get some basic game stuff set up today, but there won't be more progress on it until next month, but only if you're still in multiverse tier and you want me to do more work on it ^^

Adrian Ayotte

Hey don't worry about getting the beta up. I know your working on it and i know it's going to be great! It just need some work since you can't rush a masterpiece like this. I'll wait once it properly ready. Again thank you so much for donig this.😁


Giant Videogame.