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This is the script for the next installment of Little in the Loud House. This will likely be ready sometime in January. 

This month, we're shooting for the first part of the Dan Vs project and a Loud Nutcracker project for Christmas. 

Anyway, here's the script.


The next Little in the Loud House will open with a little music video segment with Alisa Barela. Something slightly inappropriate, like her doing some twerking, maybe make her a giant in the music video.

(Lola and Lana are in their room, Little Lincoln on the floor)

Lola: So what are we going to do with our little Linky? Maybe a fancy spa day? Foot rubs... shiatsu massage.... and lots of pampering. 

Lana: Wait, Lols! This is our chance to show everyone how grown up we are! Think about how much our other sisters messed up with Lincoln this past week. 

Lola: True, it's a miracle he hasn't croaked yet. 

(Hopps pops out of Lana's overalls' pocket)

Lana: That's it! We keep Lincoln safe and sound all day in my pocket, and we'll be the responsible ones. 

Lola: Ooh, maybe we'll get a later bedtime. I'm in!

(She picks up Lincoln and puts him in Lana's pocket. )

Lana: Aw, he looks so cozy in there. 

Lola: Yeah, but I think his new accommodations need a little something. 

(Lola and Lana start putting stuff in the pocket, crowding Lincoln)

Lola: Like, a princess doll to keep him company!

Lana: I'll share some of my nachos, in case he gets hungry. 

Lola: That's more of a snack. He needs tuna.

Lana: Then he needs a can opener, too!

Lola: Maybe some perfume to freshen things up.

Lana: Lincoln looks cold. Maybe he can make a sweater with this belly button lint.

Lola: And a handful of glitter to brighten things up. 

Lana: Ooh! And my bugs would make great pets for him!

Lola: Let's not forget toys. Lots of toys!

(Lana's overalls' pocket is stuffed. She pats it a bit. )

Lana: I feel like a mama kangaroo. 

Lola: We're soooo responsible!

(Inside the pocket, Lincoln is barely able to move.)

Lana: Here, let me close the flap so you can take a nap, bro.

(It gets really dark until you can only see Lincoln's eyes)


Graeme Pischke

I'm looking forward to seeing this.