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Choose the guest character you'd like to see offer personalized/custom videos this month.

I'll be adding a new character option for September based on the voting on this poll.



I'm new here so how does this work? the winner will be who offers the $100 videos or can you purchase a personalized video based on who wins? (Because if Dahlia wins I'll definitely be interested, lol)


You can currently request personalized/custom videos for Manessa and Princess Presley if you are subscribed to the personalized or custom tier. This poll is to determine who the third character option will be this month for those tiers.


If you're going to offer only 3 character options, why do Manessa and the Princess automatically make the cut? Based on this poll, seems there might be enough support for Dr Collins and Dahlia to both get picked for this month and then either Presley or Manessa could take this month off. Or even just rotate it every month and this month would be Collins/Lily/Dahlia, next month would be Presley/Scarletta/Lily, etc. With three choices everybody will always have somebody they like and its nice to have variety each month.


Depending on how much work it is for you, you might consider experiments like posting a 30 second video (or even just audio only) each month with each of the three characters saying why we should choose her video this month. It would be a fun fan engagement, plus if you post a teaser like that to all-tiers, it might excite some lower tier members to upgrade to the top tier that month.