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A Few Weeks Ago...


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Oh my, the long awaited arrival of a knockout lullaby. A little night night song that worked like a charm on detective Daniel’s. I wonder who else would fall victim to it…?


Wonderful video. Fun to have a non-linear part of the storytelling like this. I love the acceptance of Detective Daniels at 8:25 as Professor Williams commands her "Don't fight. You're sleepy and so you are going to fall asleep.". Then again at 11:33 with Professor Williams so matter-of-fact saying "losing consciousness as you fall asleep" then a simple countdown has the detective out like a light. This just shows how powerful Professor Williams really is and makes Dr. Collins ability to subsequently put her under and make her a sleepy puppet even more impressive. Professor Williams' confrontations with the magic creatures of the glittering forest will be epic and hopefully ones filled with twists and turns!

John Buck

So this explains why Professor Williams didn't suspected Anya when she used the love spell on Her in "Lost Little Witch: Part 3". Detective Daniels didn't identify Anya as someone under Dr Collins control, and so The Professor dropped Her guard! I always enjoy hypnosis over the phone, where the person is completely focus on the voice on the other end. It is a very effective and sneaky way to hypnotize someone. Then adding a Zoom hypnosis session to reenforce the initial trance was brillant by Professor Williams. So we have one more part to this Saga, can't wait for that!

Masked Rider

see those stars, girl!!!!

Ettore YT

But didn't Detective Daniels and Sheila already meet in the first part? Will Sheila be hypnotized by Detective Daniels again? I don't think it will happen again in the same saga. I expect a twist where Sheila will hypnotize Detective Daniels.


Part 3 is a prequel. It happens before Parts 1 and 2. Notice the date on the screen during the “duh duh” info card at the start of the episode 😊


Sleepy hypnotic music is such a perfect addition to any covert induction 😊


Well since you're looking to add more phone inductions, I'd be happy to DM you my number so the video can be extra authentic. :-)

Masked Rider

still dreamin of the day a character uses that phrasing to knock someone out. they could be counting stars around their dizzy head (like sheep )

James Pierce

Professor Williams could have been such a threat if she hadn't gotten so impatient and arrogant. The fact that she could circumvent the loyalty that Detective Daniels had for Doctor Collins showed how much better she got in only a year. Too bad for her that she overplayed her hand and is now ready to join the legion of slaves on Doctor Collins' chess board.


So much potential. She’s been humbled now, so we’ll see if she can grow out of that arrogance, or just remain one of Dr. Collins’ puppets.