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I've updated several things within the archive and am in the process of making some very large changes / quality of life improvements as well as working towards goals that should have been done months ago.  

I have set up several Trello boards that I have already posted without pings in our discord servers announcement channel.  These have helped greatly since I've created them, both in focus and in actual progress visualization.  There is a Trello board for The Pony Archive as a whole, as well as one specifically made for Spikebot.



As you guys know, The My Little Pony Anniversary stream is just around the corner, while an exact start date and time is not yet set, the expected *ending* time for the stream is on October the 12th.  We are expecting to replay popular episodes throughout October the 13th.  As part of the stream the process of building a network capable of streaming to hundreds at once begins now with incremental updates.  Currently we are in a much better position strategically than we've ever been in the past.  If you have a dedicated server or VPS with unlimited bandwidth and want to donate some hosting around this time let ZizzyDizzyMC know in the Z+ Discord server.   https://discord.gg/dGtwRph  

Reminder that if you are a donator on patreon, ask in the discord for the role as I don't allow the patreon-bot to be in the server it cannot automatically set a role for you.

You may noticed that the text on the higher tier goals have changed, These have changed to reflect the set hosting costs I've managed to obtain contracts for.  Thus making $120 the minimum self-sustainable goal with some margin left over.

Also of note:
Several servers apart of my network have been decommissioned as part of an ongoing project to consolidate and make my hosting project a little easier on my wallet outside of The Pony Archive's main servers.  As the time taken for these activities does affect The Pony Archive you may see these pop up under the Trello.

Other pony related things may also pop up under the Trello as part of my mission to make the fandom a better place to be / extend a helping hoof.

I am now the webhost of https://pixel.horse An open source project meant to improve upon the original https://pony.town
Their github can be found here: https://github.com/ponydevs/pixel.horse


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