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- Sorry for decline in posting
- Found out my gallbladder was garbage
- Had surgery to remove it, bed rest for 4-6 weeks
- Opening commissions often this month for patrons only
- More personal sketches while I work from my Ipad
- Thank you for supporting me and I'm sorry I didn't express sooner.

These last two months my posting has been slower and slower. My physical health was declining leading to me focusing more on being the best when I sat down to work rather than forcing myself.
This last week we finally figured out the issue.

My gallbladder was on the fritz.
So much so that I no longer have one!
A cause for celebration because this means my health will return to normal, and honestly then some since I won't be combating underlying issues without knowledge.

This also means I won't be spending my time recovering over something I didn't know about before!
Right now I am suppose to be on bed rest. I will continue to work regardless. But to make up for these last two months of low posting I'll do my best to open commissions very often this month.
Mostly very rough sketches that I can work on Via my Ipad since full recovery is 4-6 weeks. I don't plan on making life worse by going against that now, haha.

I appreciate those of you who have stayed. It means a ton, and I look forward to posting more art.
Good thing about bed rest means I get a lot of personal doodle time, so at the very least more private content.


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