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As always thanks you everyone for follow me through these months and a big welcome for the new people!!

To start I want to say that I will take a long vacation this time, I decided to take two weeks of break to have a good rest. As always, I'll bring some sketches not to leave you without nothing, wait something about Soffie, I will try to make a sequel of her Christmas

After the vacation I’ll back with my normal schedule, with the arbok’s voredex, practical drawings, and since you guys voted to see more about living machines, I’ll try to make a frequency about it, and about the “voreshots” I’ll try to draw this more often too.

This time I haven’t too much to say, just that month I’ll focus the content on Digimons, I don’t know too much about them unless their “first gen” but I hope the internet can help me to find out some “stars” to put in theses list when it comes. I intend to do a month with Pokemon and a Month with Digimons, if you guys want to help me with this, I’ll be eternally grateful!

This new year I’ll start to post some exclusive drawings, selected by finger, most of will be drawing that I think wasn’t that good, probably I’ll do some polls to you guys help me which one you would accept as “ex-exclusive”

Be free to suggest a Digimon you would like to see here, that I’ll try to bring it as faster as I can, and about the December’s less voted drawing, I’ll bring them when I back from the vacation… now! Let’s go to the January’s List.

Tier 1:

- Agumon - Anal Vore – One Prey

Tier 2:

- Palmon – Urethra Vore – Piss Melting – One Prey – Natural Size

- Biyomon – Unbirthing – Cum Transformation – Massive Preys – Natural Size

Tier 3:

- Gatomon – Urethra Vore – Piss Transformation – Massive Preys – Natural Size

- Flamedramon – Oral Vore – Absorvation – Two Preys – Natural Size

- Guilmon – Anal Vore – Disposal – Two Preys – Natural Size