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A group of seasoned adventurers heard stories about an underwater cave that housed ancient species of dragons that once lived with the Vikings in harmony and over the years these adventurers sought to find and explore this place, they traveled all over the world, but mainly around Europe.

Eventually they found an old man in a boat saying that he could take them to this underwater cave and as a rule of any adventurer they agreed to travel with this old man who was the only being on earth who could take them to that place.

After a few days on the open ocean and much sea-sickness, they finally arrived at the entrance to this legendary cave: a gigantic hole in the middle of the ocean that shone lights in different colors thanks to the crystals that grew along the walls. They watched, impressed by something so different, but they didn't have enough time to appreciate because the cave created a very intense current in the sea where they were, taking the boat at high speed into there and making them fall to the sound of panicked screams.

They reach a lake at the bottom that causes the entire boat to be destroyed, everyone is taken to the edge of a small beach, incredibly alive. They wake up hearing the old man's screams.

- HELP!!! IT’S DEVOURING ME!!!! – He shouted and when one of these adventurers looked to see the old man with only his head and one of his arms out of the mouth of a night fury and before everyone could get up the old man was completely devoured, everyone saw him go down the throat of that dragon and when he got to its stomach they could also see that its belly was growing to fit the old man. One of the four adventurers who faced this was completely blushed and also ended up getting aroused, realizing this he tried to hide it by adjusting his pants but one of his colleagues noticed and shouted at him.

– DID YOU GET A HARD WATCHING THIS!? – After he finished speaking, the Night Fury jumped on that same boy, knocking him to the ground.

The others ran towards the Night Fury to help their friend, only the one who was aroused kept stopping and looking at the whole scene. The night fury did a spin, hitting its tail on these two adventurers who were advancing on it and the one who was knocked down could see the genitals of the dragon, revealing that was a girl,  who was staring at him having an idea, she then raises her ass up and the boy screams.

– W-WAIT WAIT!! NO-! – She sat on the face of the boy who first entered her anus, was possible to hear the roar of the Night Fury as if it were a moan, she sucked the boy very easily, but she lifts her ass out so that gravity helped to finish it quickly and she could able to go to the next one.

One of those who was knocked down by the Night Fury's tail gets up and runs to grab the boy's legs but he soon enters the dragon's ass as with his feet, the hands of this other boy also begins to be eat by the butt.

– SHIT!! BAD IDEA!!! – He shouted before his head also getting sucked into that ass.

Outside there were only two left in the group, one of them shouted for the blushed one to run away but Night Fury didn't give them time, she just sat on him and when she stood up, lifting her ass, the embarrassed boy could see the mess of his colleagues' body already sucked into the Dragon's ass. He could see a side view of her and his friend's legs disappearing between the moaning Night Fury's buttocks and with all those humans inside her body, going through her intestines and making her belly get even bigger.

The las boy knelt down looking at the Night Fury, she slowly approached him walking like a cat, she stepped on his chest with her front paw, knocking him down, and, she then came face to face with the boy, licking her lips. and making a mischievous smile.

– You~ I'll save you for later~ I'm already satisfied with your friends! – She would have absorbed the humans she devoured, giving her the ability to reason like them, and even realizing certain things like how horny that last guy felt, she would rub her paw in the middle of his crotch making him more hard – Thinking about it ~ you're so cute~ I'll spare you so we can play a little!~
