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#DirtyTalk Expansion (only applicable to Duke as of now)

-Added Speedbar (Submissive player will have to beg for speed changes), Stamina Gauge and Pleasure Gauges.

-Dominant npc will randomly speed up or slow down the pace

-Dirtytalks greatly affects the NPC pleasure build up, both positively and negatively.

-There will be climax animations, each for player and npc (currently with duke there's only one shared across).

-There are different outcomes depending on your sex performance.

-as your level of affection progress with a npc, more dirtytalk option will be available. There are currently 3 tiers.

-NPC assertiveness rating affects how often dorm npc comply with player speed requests or would they politely ask for more rounds of sex.

-Sensitivity factors in how quickly player's pleasure bar build up.

-Strength factors in stamina efficiency, speed of which stamina drains.

-Base Stamina drain rate varied depending on posture difficulty.

-Endurance and Lust affects how many times a player can cum during a session.

-The sex scene will exit upon player fully depleting their stamina or exhausting the number of climax at the time.

-Available stamina per session will be at the base of 20% of Player's Max stamina. It can be increased with HP (up to 20% from Max HP) and Agility (up to 20% from Max Agility) with a total of 60% drawn from Max stamina.

-Future implementation will include having player being able to use custom pleas/climax/exhaustion lines during sex, with Intelligence affecitng the number of customizeable lines.

#AlphaFitness Expansion

-2 unique encounterable receptionists, a gazelle and a cheetah

-Player can choose to lift weight, use a treadmill or join a yoga session to increase improve their strength, endurance and agility respectively.

-4 spying encounters in the locker room.

-Private shower and Communal shower available, at the right timing player could masturbate during private shower.

-Future implementation in this area will include getting to know more about Zoey and Dean and potentially dating them.

-Cheating...ahem I mean Debugtool is available for all. Simply press G while you're in control of your character to use it.

-Added Sensitivity stat at default game start value of 50, currently you can't fluctuate the value through any other means aside with the debug tool.

The current build is rather unfinished in the things I'd like to showcase. As for the Upcoming update I'll be focusing on deploying more scenes with the new dirtytalk expansion as well as rewriting encounters to be goal/performance oriented, probably rewire items and a database surrounds objectives along the way. 


promo 1.6.2

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Is the meadows locked out or smthin?


They recommended me to buy it, I have a 12 GB RTX 2060 and an I5 12th, when I open the game after a few seconds the game closes, could you give me a solution?