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Hello Patrons 💕

I’m working in the south of France this week with my friend @poopikat! 💚

There’s a lot of cats in the area and they’re super cute! I’m also really enjoying a being surrounded in nature with artists and writers in this retreat!

Today we went for a picnic and did plein air since it was really sunny! 🧺

We found a cute little stream with some bambo so we decided to stay there to have our picnic.

After we’re done having our picnic, we went straight into painting! Kate used watercolours to paint while I painted on my iPad!

Here’s my painting from the picnic!

I really enjoyed painting this piece! It was so much fun!! I’ll post more WIPs on what I work on soon! 🥰

Have a fantastic week!! Thank you so much for supporting me! 🥹💕

Love always,




Lovely! I am glad you are enjoying the retreat!! I am not able to see 2 of the pictures for some reason!! 🤔 But wow the ones I see look like they're straight out of a fable! 😍


Thank you!! It’s so much fun and thank you for letting me know! There was a weird uploading process earlier so thank you for letting me know! Hopefully it works now!! 🥰

Anni Tendo

Wow, it looks so gorgeous! I've never been on an artist retreat but would love to join one of them one day, spending time in the summer in nature and painting sounds like a dream! 🥰


Thank you Anni! I had so much fun going on this artist retreat! I hope you can experience one day, I highly recommend it!🥰