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  • Witchtober_1.mov
  • Witchtober_2.MP4



Hello Patrons 🧡

I want to talk about my process of painting here! I added the two timelapse videos to the attachment so you could watch how I created the initial process!

For this painting, I used Procreate for 40% of the process. I usually transfer it to Photoshop after I have the sketch done, but I want to try to use Procreate more since I like using my custom brushes there and Max Ulchiney’s watercolour brushes. 

For the sketch, I had an idea of painting a small witch surrounded by the giant roots of a tree. I originally wanted to create a mini witch but decided to paint a large waterfall after seeing an image of Iguaza falls. 

Then after, I’m pretty happy with the results on Procreate. I decided to transfer it to Photoshop to refine the details. 

From here, I adjust the colours to create a softer atmosphere. I used the curves tool to change the reds to pinker hues. I also used the selective colour tool to saturate the reds, cyans, and whites.

I also changed the composition of the birds to create an S shape that will lead the eye to the centre. 

Afterward, I extended the canvas to add more leaves near the right side to balance the composition. I also started defining the rocks by adding a darker tone to create shadows. With rocks, painting them with a lasso tool helps to create those hard edges as opposed to something more organic and fluid like the trees and water. 

To create a sense of depth in the painting. I added a beam of lighting that shines on the character and the cat and a soft yellow glow to soften the background. The key to creating depth is focusing only on areas where you want to show the most details. In this case, the background won’t need as many refined details compared to the rocks and waterfall in the foreground. 

The rim lighting will also create more contrast and focus for the characters.

Let me know if you have any questions about this painting! I really enjoyed painting this piece and want to explore more dynamic backgrounds in the future!

Thank you so much for your support! 🥰

Love always,




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