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Hello Patrons! 💚

It’s been a while! I was packing all orders last week! But I had time to squeeze in a painting before March ends! 🥰 (I also uploaded the Procreate timelapse video! )

I tried to use most of the colours from the colour palette you guys chose for me but somehow failed to use pink haha so I might come back to the colour palette again!

This painting started off as a photo study of two stunning photos and it ended up merging into one! I was also inspired by Bridgerton's colours especially since the new season is out! 😊

I’ve been dreaming of spring and honestly wish it would come sooner! When I went out to ship the orders the other day, it felt like it was -15°C (5 F), I was freezing haha

Anyway, I’m hoping to paint more light and pastel colour palettes in the coming months and paint more comfort zone pieces!

I’m actually a little stressed these days since I’ve said yes to a lot of projects and now it’s starting to feel overwhelming. This is probably why I’m looking forward to warmer weather, so I can at least go out for walks. I have trouble saying no to opportunities and always have that feeling like I’m going to regret it if I don’t say yes. So I end up saying yes to most of them ><

I think after transitioning to a self-employed illustrator, I feel like I’ll miss out on these opportunities if I don’t say yes now. It’s that feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out) and I worry that there won’t be opportunities like this again. 🥺

On the positive side, I’m very excited to work on these projects and wish I could show them to you but I do miss having more breaks and having more time for myself.

Please don’t be like me and take more breaks for yourself!! I think once I’m done with the projects, I’ll take it easy!

Wishing you all a wonderful week! I really appreciate your support, it really does mean a lot to me! 🥰

Love always,





So beautiful!! It is definitely a spring piece 🌱🌷💞 I hope you get some lovely walking weather soon! It helps when work picks up to be able to wander a bit 💕 I’m happy you are being offered so many opportunities! ✨ That is exciting!! I hope you are also able to find time to rest, too. 😊💕


Thank you so much Amy! 😊 I definitely can't wait to go on more hikes! It's very exciting and I really hope I could share it with you all!! 😊


Love it so pretty!