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Hello Patrons! 🤍

How's your week going so far? 

I decided to show you some of the sketches I've been doing this week! I'm always so envious of other artists who have such pretty neat sketches, my sketches always seem to have lines everywhere haha! 😂

I'm really happy with these explorations! I wanted to dive into doing more sticker sheets so I'm thinking of doing themed ones like this Snail Mail-themed one below! Let me know if you'd be interested in seeing more sticker sheets like these! ✨

Here's a sketch exploring different fairy designs based on landscapes! 

I realized I haven't drawn portraits in so long so one night I was wide awake and could not sleep! 😭I tried reading long articles to help me sleep but it didn't work since I ended up getting invested in the topic haha so I said to myself well since my mind is awake I decided to just sketch a bunch of portraits! I forgot how much fun I had just done these quick sketches! 🥰🥰

Little cute comic of a girl taking one small step at a time despite the challenges! 

That's all for now! Thank you so much for all your support! I might do a piece with animals in my next painting!

Have a lovely day! 





Loved these, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


I appreciate these sketches so much! I'm just getting started in digital art and it's a big help!