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Here's the process for "Angel's Treasures"!

I've been seeing a lot of ornate mirrors and sculpted candles lately so I had this idea of painting a vanity set up for an angel! I wanted to create warm atmospheric lighting lit by candles and the golden hour. 

I had a lot of fun painting the objects (especially the candles!) Although, I must admit that painting this was pretty challenging since I had to restrain myself from adding too much detail to the objects! Sometimes, it’s difficult to net get carried away 😅

For the central point, I want the viewers to focus on the Angel while the objects help illuminate her. I chose a pretty limited palette to create a sense of cohesion which will help showcase how all objects belong to her (ie. her gold accessories matches the frame, jewellery, lighting)

To help bring even more attention to her, I made sure the brightest values are her wings and the lighting!

I've attached some of the inspiration for this piece! I hope you guys like itʉϬ




Love love LOVE seeing the process! This is gorgeous, and I adore the warm colors! Can I ask how many layers you usually use for your beautiful pieces? :o


Hi Ava! Thank you so much! This painting had a lot of details so I just checked and it has over 100 layers including the adjustment layers! I usually don't work with too many layers when Im painting landscapes (less than 20) or when I'm working in Procreate but detailed paintings like these range around 70-100 😅


It’s so beautiful! For the final lockup do you do some sort of color grading to the artwork/ apply a filter?


Thanks so much Sarah! For the final image, I added some adjustment layers. So I brought up the contrast and levels and played around with the curves tool. I also played around with Selective Colours to change the whites into a cooler hue!