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Dear My Loves,

From now on, I will make newsletter for each month to summarize my work in a month and my plant for next month. This time it's a bit late (next time will be around 25th).

What I did in January:

1/ Finishing the game "Playing with Santa Chris"

It took me half of this month to work not only on animating and also coding for game but it worth, right?

2/ Opening Derek Store

Now you can check all previous work at https://dereksfm.wordpress.com/ 

3/ Improving "Chris Redfield"

I'm so sorry that i did not spend full time for The threesome and other videos (but i did finished 3/5 animation of threesome and finished writing script for Snow POV and the Rescue part 2).

The most time i spent for the other half of this month (actually i only have 3-4 hours each day and weekend to work for this page) is for improving Chris Redfield to make him better for later use.

- Made Sexy Outfit

- Fixed texture skin

- Butt hole (can animating)

- The body shape now don't look weird when his bone bend to much (in picture, even his leg goes too high but the thigh still remain its shape)

- Nipple can be pull and bend :)

- Face now have bendy-bone so the expression is flexible.

-He has IK rigging

So I hope you guys can understand that even though i did not finish my videos but I did working for it.

To-Do List in February: 

1/ So I'll work my ass-off for these videos in next month.

2/ Comic series called "Supper Target" (not sure about release date)

 For Patrons:

+ Patrons, whose pledge went through already for "The threesome, POV snow and the rescue part 2" can delete your pledge as you wish.

+ Patrons, who wish to access previous videos, should pledge at least 3USD for each video (i did recommend settle via paypal for instant access to these videos but some patrons refer pay here). The video will be sent no later than 3rd February (if you haven't receive your reward after this day, please let me know).

+ For processed pledge of February,  

   -  Silver Coin will get the videos and comic (if possible) in HD.

   -  Gold Coin will get the videos and comic (if possible) in FHD.

   -  Platinum Coin can also request me to re-Render a position of previous video. 

   -  Honour Coin will also join me in making video and comic, you will access to story script and pose selection, and i will discuss with you to select the outcome.

    -  Limited Master Coin will join raffle commission for short loop animation.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading it.

Best regard,




Good luck)))


Does pausing the pledge achieve the same thing as deleting it?


Yes! You can check here for detail: <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/215215063-Can-I-pause-my-pledge-to-a-creator-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/215215063-Can-I-pause-my-pledge-to-a-creator-</a>

I kissandkill

How much time did you spend in blender tweaking Chris? (I'm curious to see his new additions in action)