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  • ShepSolo1v1.mp4



It's all my faults so please accept my apologize!.

Somehow the render system in SFM got some troubles (still don't know why but it's never happened before) that's all the raw clips were broken. Usually every time i finished a clip, i rendered it out and checked before start a new one but this time, i decided to finish animating all clip then rendered all while go to sleep. Next morning, i saw the render finished so i though everything okay. But never though all clips have broken (computer cannot open files) so i had to re-render clips by clips and check it. It's happened couple days ago but i thought i can managed it so i did not tell you guys.

However rendering time consumes a lot of time than I thought (it's full HD) so I would love to pending it for couple more days.

I know you guys really looking forward to it and so do I, that's why i thought make render while sleeping could save more time.

I will do my best to finish it as soon as possible!

You have all rights to angry with me but do hope you can patiently wait a bit more.

I am so so sorry!


Below is one of the raw clips I have just finished rendering.



Bummer, but it's alright. Hope you can get it properly rendered soon!