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Hi guys!

The video Resident Evil has kindda over budget for 03 USD video so I decided to divide it in 02 parts.

Don't worry, each part still has full sex scene - it's just because there are 4 characters playing here so I would like to apply more positions than usual.

About part 01: this video will be about 5 minute to tell you the first part of rescue mission.

Leon's been missing since he come out for being black mail of his sex tape (from Leon's Night Video), the trail leads Chris and Piers to the Wesker's hide out, but thing turns out too horny when Leon is not really need help from that "punishment".

*I am now editing sound and add some final retouch but I think it's time for patrons who would like to get that video to repair for the charge.

I will make a PAID POST to charge all patrons who are now pledging (please note that Patreon don't allow to charge separately so all pledge will be charged).


+ If you want to get the video, please pledge at least 3 USD, other pledges below that are tips and you have my gratitude for support. XD

+ And of course, if you think I deserve more than 3 USD, you are welcome to pledge more. Muahaha...Anyway, the more you pledge, the faster you reach to 100USD life time support and win a chance to request me for your own style video without worry about voting at all!!

+ If you don't want to get video or support me then feel free to delete your pledge - it's okay as always.

The PAID POST will be made after 72 hours from this post!

Good Day!



Would I be able to get the link to the BlackMail video?