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This is a big update from the previous version. I completely changed how time works in the game. I also made a whole bunch of other changes. I hope to hear your wonderful feedback, because it's helping me immensely.


Here are just a few of the changes I made:

- Changed the way time passes. Now it passes based on clicking the time advance button.

- Removed the UI when the hypno session is underway.

- Edited Mia's Hypno to remove stutter.

- Added option to turn off music in options.

- Added Nova's night chibi.

- Added sound effects to certain scenes.

I'm going to be doing an art pass over the next little while. I want to get a lot of the unfinished interiors painted, as well as polish some of the art that is in the game now. One little thing I want is to add animals to the exterior(Squirrels, birds, a raccoon, etc).






Yay!!!!! 💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏🙏. Girlfriend, you're a diamond! 💠 And your mentoring us all to be girly, glittery diamonds too! Thankyou Mia, I love your work, LL xxoo


is there a way to save in game?


i'm so excited!! <3


Not right now. As soon as I get more than 2 days of gameplay, I’ll add saving for sure.


I'm having difficulty interacting with characters in the game. ??


hi Mia. i got to walk through this version, and did not have any errors. i ran scenarios severl times was solid for me


is it just me or does the download link send to a 0.14 version


That's super weird. Are you sure you downloaded from the link in this post? I just downloaded it, and it's v0.15. If so, maybe Patreon is buggy. Can you try downloading again?


Hey there, I'm pretty new Here. I cant get charakter interactions working for me, I am walking up to the people I want to talk to and even press LMB, but for some reason nothing happens. Tried re-installing already, so I think there has to be something I am doing wrong. Any help would be nice, thanks! :)


Hmmm, are you using the spacebar to interact with characters? And if so, are you near their feet? Just want to make sure. If it's still an issue, I'll look into it for sure.


Hello Mia, I just finished playing Matrix and wow I am hooked!! Is there a Chapter 2 or is University considered to be Chapter 2? I just finished my first go at the demo and it is great so far!! I like the addition of the firefly's at night and so far there is no glitching anywhere! Great job! I really like to see some of the tasks and I really do like the makeup tutorial! Not sure if you added that in to help newbie sissy's like myself but it is great! Are you adding more into the game to help young gurls learn makeup? Maybe also more on finding the right clothes to wear and how to pick them? So just some random thoughts of mine. Coming from Matrix I was still a boy in transition but coming to University I now have the appearance of a girl. Should we still keep that appearance from Matrix and as we go through University our look really starts to change? Maybe as we do we finally get to University and this is where we pick our new gurl name? I say that as when the name box pops up the first time I was unsure if I should keep my boy name from Matrix. You have opened so many possibilities and you really have my mind churning. Maybe also incorporate tasks for us real people to do during the day? Maybe spend most of the day in chastity or wear panties when out and about or thong or a bra? Sorry I do not want to overwhelm lol. Love what you are doing!!!


Thank you so much for the kind words and the feedback!! Yes, I am considering Hypno University Chapter 2. I plan to make the characters have multiple different stages of feminization. The ones that I used in the demo for the characters are about stage 2 or 3, so yes I will make the first ones in the game less feminine, and sort of like a continuation of Hypno Matrix. That's a to-do for me in terms of art creation that I have on my list. I'm working right now on a complete redo of the art for Hypno Matrix. haha, I was planning to release it as a surprise to patrons. I'm almost done with that, and hopefully that will make the 2 games feel even more cohesive and like a continuation of each other. I hope to have the release ready within a month. I so appreciate that you like the demo so far. I have so so much to do, and yes there will absolutely be more makeup tutorials, some real world tasks and a whole lot more other classes with more hypno specific content. I want the game to be big hehe. Sending you gratitude, and I hope we can chat after I release the new version of Hypno Matrix. That should be a nice topic for conversation. xoxo