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Hey everyone! Here are the 4 main player character types for Hypno University, the sequel to Hypno Matrix Chapter 1.

The body types/faces, hair styles and outfits are all inter-changable. So, you can choose your body/face, hair and outfit with any of these variations and then that will be your starting character. From there, you'll be able to customize as you progress through the game.

I'm open to feedback. If there's something you feel would be better, or something you don't like, please let me know. Thank you so much!




Jessica Stevens-Taylor

They look awesome… on my wish list for character evolution is to be able to have funky hair colours. Pretty please!? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


What a wonderful system! I am especially fond of the first character you put up with the long black hair, her hair reminds me of my own 😌. I should try to wear it in a similar way.. Will you have eyewear options available at the start? 🤓


Thank you, Nicole! Yes, for sure. Eyewear, jewelry and all sorts of accessories will be available. Probably, I'll do them as customizations that the player can make as the game progresses. Along with bigger boobs, botox and other cosmetic alterations too.


Wow!! That's all so exciting to hear! I for one am buzzing in anticipation to be able to tinker and toy with all the accessories that we'll see in the game! Gosh, those latter enhancements make my head spin at the thought! ☺️