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I'm so so happy about this update. I've completed the story for Hypno Matrix 2, and I'm absolutely in love with how it turned out.

When I started Hypno Matrix Chapter 1, I wanted to explore a light feminization kind of experience. I wanted it to feel innocent, like an introduction to the world of feminization and hypnosis. I think that's exactly how it turned out too.

With Chapter 2, I wanted something a bit different. In fact, I wanted a whole bunch of things to be different. I wanted it to feel darker. I wanted to explore submission. I wanted more choices that branch the story in different directions. I wanted more sex. I wanted a lot, and that made writing more complex. It took me some time to solve all the challenges I had set for myself. I got there, though. The story is done.

Based on the poll I did a while back, I'm going to keep the details of the story a surprise for now. What I'm going to do next is start creating art for the game. I'm happy about that, because like in Chapter 1, I'll share all the art with you here on patreon. So, you'll see a lot more updates in the next few weeks.

My first art task will be to create the art for some of the more important characters in the game. The first will be Elsie, your mentor at Hypno University. She greets you when you enroll in the school, and she checks in on you and helps you during your training. She's a warm bubbly girl and super pretty. Think of her like your big sister. So, I'm going to spend the next few days working on Elsie's portrait.

Thank you so much for being patient with me during the writing process, by the way. I know so many of you girls wanna see more updates for the game, and I'm glad that we're now at a point where I can start doing that. Much love and gratitude.





I'm getting the feeling that one or two Christmases from now I'll be getting a major gift. I like that feeling. You have a good contagious to your excitement in the process. One of my favorite authors stated that revision is the soul of good writing. Voltaire however, said never let perfect be the enemy of good enough. Somewhere in between is where it sounded like you are, and that sounds wonderful.


After waiting for so long, I am soooo super excited to finally read about at least half the job being done, so whoo-hoo! Its finally coming together so keep up the good work & in the mean-time, I will just have to settle for some of the better works being posted on hypno-tube.

Lizzie Harte

Yay❣️💗❤️️ I'm soooo excited for Chapter 2❣️


high quality can't wait for more!!!!!!!