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 'Sup everyone, been awhile.

This is exactly the case of underestimating the problem, personally i find that Mao2 and Jinshi are incredibly difficult to make, these "princess-type" of hairs are so difficult to make. But here's Mao2 with all her hairstyles possible from anime except one. Sorry it took way too long for last month cards, made a problem myself.

As far as May cards, i have finished 4 prototypes of it (3 body and face from Mushoku and Fern, haven't start the hair formation, but should be faster than Mao2 and Jinshi), haven't touch Kei at all, since Kei will need new eye edit.

Sharing will be commenced shortly in discord , just contact my discord Seth_o_Night#8845 , all messages will be replied.

Peace out.



