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After a lot of thought, I've decided to put my game projects on hold. It was a difficult decision to make, and one I really didn't want to, but I decided that it's for the best.

For those here for VaM content, I'll still be putting out VaM content regularly. This is only game projects.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this directly, but I'm currently in university pursing an art degree. I've been in school for about 2 years at this point, and up until this semester, I was primarily getting my basics done at a lower level community college. This most recent semester, I transferred to a real university and I've started taking entirely classes for my major. What I didn't know before transferring, is that university art studio classes (which are classes where I actually make artwork) take up about 3x-4x the amount of time normal classes do. I'm generally spending around 20-30 hours per week for each of these studio classes, depending on how intense the projects are, and I'm taking 3 of them. Those three classes alone are taking me around 60-90 hours a week. On top of that, I'm taking another 3 non-studio classes that take up about 10 hours a week. That's a total of 6 classes and between 90-120 hours of schoolwork each week. For those that don't know, each week is only 168 hours. It hasn't left a lot of time for anything. Not even much sleep some weeks.

So unfortunately, I just don't have the time for much of anything else. Even though this past week was spring break, my professors all had major projects due Monday and I didn't get to do any of the work I was hoping to on games. And what really pushed me into this decision is that I'm not really making much from game content. The vast majority comes from VaM content. So I'd rather just officially put the games on hold so that people don't feel like they're being screwed due to lack of updates and slowly work on them when I have time.

In the meantime, I'll be releasing the content I have made. At least when it comes to Teach Me and CH Resort. I'll be releasing the animations I've made for Teach Me, as well as the VaM scenes/looks. And I'll be releasing the videos I have done for CH Resort. I'll be releasing these as soon as I can. The CH videos should be up by next weekend, but the Teach Me scenes may take a bit more time. Mainly because I just have to upload the CH videos, but I have to record the scenes for Teach Me and make sure the scenes are loading properly for those who are going to be watching them in VaM. I'm going to make scene packs for easier loading between the scenes as well. You'll be able to choose which girl you want and then which scene you want. That way there's not just a ton of scenes you have to load individually, unless you'd rather do that. 

Anyway, the point of this post was just to let everyone know what was going on, and give people the opportunity to cancel if they want. Once again, I'll still be putting out VaM content. If you're here for that, don't worry, nothing will really be changing. Only game projects are being put on hold. I'm also still planning on finishing the games when I have time. It's just going to be a while. 

To start, here's all of the CH videos featuring FF characters. There's a total of 8 videos. I'll be posting the rest in the next couple of weeks. The number in front of the video is the estimated difficulty.


The Teach Me content will start coming once I'm done with the elf girls scene I've been working on. Which is almost done and should be releasing next weekend. I'll be doing two separate posts when releasing Teach Me content, one of the standalone animations for Dolphin+ tiers, and one for the VaM scenes in the VaM Fan+ tiers. These scenes wont be posted anywhere else, only here on Patreon. 


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