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Here's the project update for all projects for the month of December.

CH Resort

The next CH Resort update is slowly coming along. I think I've figured out a way to split the download so that it's not as big of a single file. I'll need to completely finish the update to be able to test it and make sure though. But if it works as intended, I'll separate out the videos into separate rar files for each tier, and then the base game with just the first tier. That way you can download the later tiers while you're playing. 

As for actual content, I've fixed a couple of problems, like certain descriptions not working or the wrong video being played on certain characters. 

I've also made a few more videos. I'm currently planning on making this update the last, and because of that I'm planning on making the tier much larger. 

I'll be adding in "parties", like mentioned briefly in tier 4. These will be idea themed videos rather than character themed ones. They'll also be multiple songs in a row, so they'll be longer than normal videos. Right now, there's going to be a Christmas one and a Halloween one for starters. So far there's 5 planned, but I'm going for at least 10 total. The rest are going to mainly be to use characters that either don't have enough animations to make a full video on their own, or to at least include characters that don't have enough videos on their own. For example, there aren't enough Black Canary animations to give her a full video, so I'm planning on making a DC one with her included.

There's also planned to be at least 16 new characters added this time. There's a couple more I'd like to add, but it all depends on how long it takes. It may end up being less as well, since making these videos depends on if I have enough source material. I tried to pick characters I should have enough for, but sometimes a video just doesn't come together with the animations I have unfortunately. Also, to speed things along, I'm reusing songs from previous tiers a bit more than usual. Mainly some of the songs I think are the most fun, or are just perfect for the character.

Anyway, I don't think there's a way to have spoiler tags on Patreon, so I'll attach a txt file to the post with the planned characters and their progress if you want to know what's coming.

A Perfect Ten

I've started the process of remaking APT in RPG Maker. Here's the sprite for Angela.

I don't really like the tiny default sprites, so I'm using this larger style. I had considered doing what NLT Media did with Lust Epidemic and Treasure of Nadia, where they created sprites using the 3D models, but decided against it. It looks great, but doing that would require making the maps in 3D as well. Which is possible, but I'm working alone and that would take a lot of time to get right. So I decided I should just stick with the pixel style, so that I can use all of the tilesets I already have for the maps. Making basic sprites doesn't take too long, and I have a lot already made for another game I was working on as practice a few years ago. One I almost released for fun, because despite being somewhat bare it's actually pretty fun, but decided against it since it uses assets from Japanese visual novels and artists, similar to Haramase Simulator.

That's all there is on APT right now. I'm hoping to get the maps made and have a working build by the end of the month, but we'll see how it goes. Luckily, creating the groundwork for the game should be the most difficult part. Once the items, areas, and events start to get made, it should get a lot easier and things should speed up quite a bit. Since at that point there's just going to be a lot of copying and pasting with slight changes made for the different areas and outfits.

Teach Me!

I've been taking a break from Teach Me since it's initial release. I've done some small work on a few scenes, but nothing too major. My current goal is to finish up the Halloween scene by the end of January, and do another release before finishing up the game.

VaM Content

For VaM content, I've been going through and prepping animations I made for Everly to release as a scene pack once I've released all of the looks I made for it. If you check out the recent Dev Journal on Everly you can get a preview of some of the animations. They're old, so I'm updating some of them a little bit for release. So they may end up being a little bit different than the animations.

Wrap It Up

And that's the status of all of my current projects. I'll have some extra time this month, and I'm going to be doing my best to make some good progress on everything. I've been especially inspired to work on CH stuff this past week, so that's primarily what I've been focusing on. However, APT is my primary project right now, so that's the only project I have fully dedicated time for. 

I'm always more inspired when I know people are looking forward to something, so feel free to let me know what you're here for and I'll put more time into it.

Until next time.


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