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I've got a lot of projects going right now, and this month I decided to do a little experiment to see what would get the most support. That way I know what I should be focusing on. 

The Experiment

Here's what happened, I released two games in the first half of the month, CH Resort and then Teach Me. I then waited about a week and released Mistress Everly as an early access VaM look on the VaM Hub, then waited another week and released the Ms. Hartley look. I then gave it some time to see if more people would trickle in or not.

First, I'll talk about CH Resort. People really rebelled against CH Resort and there's only one patron here from it. People just accused me of stealing videos and throwing them in a game. Even though it was a lot more work than that. I did use animations that other people made, but I only used videos that are available for free and made sure to keep the credits in. I honestly had hoped to give some exposure to these animators, but since people rebelled so hard against it I wont be really working on it. I may do one more tier to finish out the game, but that's it. I do still like the idea, and I really enjoy playing it. So I'll keep making videos in my free time, but it's not something I'll be actively doing or promoting.

Then I released Teach Me v0.4, and got 1 patron. This just makes me think that people really don't care about it. I'll be finishing it up because I already did a lot of the work, and I want to see it done, but it's not something I'll be actively doing. I also wont be going forward with the rest of the MMC series. I will release all of the looks and animations I had done for it though.

Next I released the Mistress Everly look and got 2 patrons. Which I'm pretty happy with. I'm glad there's a couple people here that liked her enough to get early access.

And finally, I released the Ms. Hartley as a paid look and got 6 patrons. 

Going Forward

According to this, the VaM content is what people really want. So that's what I'm going to be consistently focusing on. I'll be releasing VaM content at least twice a month from now on. Either looks or scenes. Starting next week.

That being said, I do still enjoy making games and am going to keep working on them. Most notably I'm going to be focusing on A Perfect Ten as the primary game I'm working on. But it is going to get less attention than the VaM content, and CH content and Teach Me will be getting less than both. 

I've been working on A Perfect Ten for a long time and it's a real passion project of mine. One of the reasons I was working on the MMC series was to get support so that I could make APT as great as I want it to be, but since that isn't exactly panning out, I'm just going to do what I can with what I have on my own. I'll post some more details about the game and share some renders sometime next month.

The End

And that's all for now. If you're one of the few people here for CH content or Teach Me, I won't be upset if you unpledge. I completely understand. If you'd still like to support me, I would definitely appreciate it though!

Until next time.



Well that's a pretty thoroughly explained post here! Personally you got me with CH Resort, as someone who animates on blender it gives me tons of references and make me discover new artists. I don't really understand why so many people don't get the "big advertisement" side of this kind of game, but well, there you have it... I planned on trying your other games but i didn't find the time yet. Don't mind too much this "rebelling" stuff, honestly f95zone is a weird space, sometime there's good critics but usually, if you don't fall into the basic vanilla stuff you'l get shit one way or another.


I just want to be as transparent as possible. So that people know what to expect and don't feel like their pledge is going to waste or anything. It also kind of drives me crazy when devs do stuff like don't update for months at a time or disappear and then suddenly reappear with a new project and not give any kind of explanation. I'm doing my best to not be like that. I'm glad to hear someone gets it and that CH Resort helping you as an animator! Some of my favorite animators that are still animating are Redmoa (@Redmoaa), Bouquetman, and Bayern3D, if you wanted to check them out. Like I said, I'll still be working on CH Resort, I'm just not going to have dedicated time for it. I really enjoy CH in general, and CH Resort started with me just making videos for fun, so I'm definitely going to keep going. I'll probably only do one more tier to wrap up the game though. Mainly because of the file size. I'm working on figuring out a way to make it smaller, or at least make it so it can be downloaded in smaller parts, but the engine I'm using doesn't like that kind of thing. I've already got 3 more videos ready for it though. Thanks, I'll try not to worry about it so much. I'm definitely noticing that about F95 though. I always thought the lack of variety was strange for how big the community is. But after seeing what happens when you try something different, I can see why. My other games right now are pretty basic VN style games. I used VaM to create the CG and animations though, rather than something like Honey Select or Daz. I thought it could be fun for people who use VaM to be able to get the scenes and looks for the characters.