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Where I've Been

I'm sure everyone noticed I've been silent for almost a month now. Sorry about that. I ended up getting really sick, and it turned out to be organ failure. I've gotten some stuff to manage it, but it wont get entirely better until I can have surgery. I'm hoping that will happen sometime in the next month, but we'll see how it goes. I have to get some more tests done first.

What I'm Doing

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, I'm feeling better enough to get back to working. So this week I'll be getting back to working on Teach Me. I probably wont be working as much as I was before, but I'll have at least one day set aside for it again. It'll still be a while before release, so in the meantime, I'm cleaning up a release of a game I originally made just for myself as an apology. 

Apology Game Info

Here's some backstory on the game. I enjoy 3D animations, but watching the same 2-10 second loops gets old pretty fast. So I started compiling some of my favorites into short music videos so I could see animations of the characters I liked, without having to manually switch between them. Then I discovered CH, and changed them into short CH songs, and also started making some using cultured anime or even real adult videos. While learning how to work with Tyrannobuilder I put together a little game using the songs I had made using a scrapped idea for a game. It doesn't have much of a story, but it's got 43 songs in the game that are between 3-5min, so there's a lot of content. I just want to clean it up a little bit and reduce the filesize (it's about 50GB right now) before I release it, which will be sometime this week.

How It Works

If you've ever seen a CH video, that's how it works. A video plays with music, and there's little notes that tick by that tell you when to stroke. You watch the video and stroke to the notes to try to make it to the end of the song without finishing. Same thing here, except there's individual songs, and the only real breaks are between choosing songs.

As for how the gameplay stuff works, here's a screenshot of the first tier. Each tier has more and more characters to choose from. Every character has at least one song, but some have more.

You click on a character and you'll be taken to a unique screen where you can talk to them, learn about them, and choose what song to play. It looks like this.

When you select services, the song selection screen will pop up. Which looks like this.

You can freely choose which song you want to do. The number on the left with the letter is a difficulty estimation, and the letter will either be "S" or "T". S means it's a steady beat song. The notes will go in time with the beat. While T means it's a technical song, and the notes will go with different parts of the song.

The number of songs mainly just boiled down to how much I liked the character and how many videos I had in my collection. Just be aware that there's some monster and group stuff. Anything with group will be labeled as group, and monster stuff will be labeled something like forest, demon, or something like that. These will be listed under a different category though, such as "Watch". I'll add a note in game about it, and make all the mandatory monster stuff skippable.

When making the videos I wasn't sure if I'd be releasing it or not, so I tried to make sure to stick to videos that can be found for free. And I used videos with credits on them as much as possible. If there's no credit on the video, I probably don't know who made it unfortunately.


You get "prestige" for every song you do. You get more prestige the higher the tier. Once you have enough prestige you can move on to the next tier by talking to Sae. Whenever you progress to a new tier there's a short story segment where Sae will ask you to do something. You can check your prestige by clicking the little icon on the top right. You can talk to Sae to find out how much prestige is needed to get to the next tier. It's usually the amount of prestige you get for doing one song for each of the characters in the tier. 

Who's In The Game?

There's 28 characters in the game right now. I'll attach a txt file with all the characters if you want to know who is in. I continually add to it, and I'll continue to do releases as I finish tiers if people like the game. This is just something I do for fun when I want to though,  so it doesn't ever take away from other development or anything, and when and how much I add is wildly sporadic. 

That's All

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the CH game when it gets released this week, and will look forward to the initial release of Teach Me!


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