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Hello everyone! 

It's been a while since I updated my patreon tiers so today I updated them. Certain tiers got unpublished and other ones got changed. 

The changes are the following:

   Tier 2 - Now has access to NSFW (Nudes)

   Tier 3 - Has access to both NSFW Nudes and Hentai CG

   Tier 7 & 8 unpublished

   Tier 6 added - Only commission tier

Unfortunately I had to change the commission tiers as lately I have so much commercial works I don't quite have time to accept 3-4 patreon cms . Obviously I'll continue to finish up those which were already paid for.

Thank you for understanding! 

The only commission tier , is tier 6 now, limited for ONE person only, contains one character with detailed background. Can be SFW and NSFW also.



Dear SquChan, hi! Thank you for your post. I'm glad the reason you had to make those changes is that you have become a very successful artist. Congratulations!


Grats on the changes!


Thank you Teo! Also for all your support !! Think about something pretty for the new tier ^ q ^ I'm working on the previous cutie too!