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Major update! It's been a while since I uploaded my updated version of Selda and she's seen some changes over time, though more major ones were recent such as her new hairstyle (with a custom color swatch, like I've started doing for many sims). I've also updated her description and generated parents for her. 

Another new thing is that I've also updated the room I made for her (just a room not a whole house, so put it where you find it appropriate) that you can see in the picture above, I've had it for a while and think it looks neat, so I figured I'd upload that as well.

Selda is a young up-and-coming e-celebrity, primarily from streaming video games, to reflect that she's been levelled up in City Living's social media career, she's got a decent amount of followers as required for that career and she's a level 2 celebrity (previously level 1), though the modest fame she enjoys also has some negatives as she's gathered up some slightly obsessive fans over time.

Her video game streamer career isn't the only reason she's a recognized face though, as both her parents are pretty famous themselves, with her father Can (pronounced somewhat similarly to "John" if you replace the "o" with an "a") being a popular rock musician, though his old band is no more, and her mother Lorelei meanwhile is a successful actress. Her parents' marriage didn't last long, but they remained on mostly good terms through her youth, for the most part she was raised by her father.

In addition to her geeky video game side, she's also something of a raver, enjoying dancing, loud music and other things associated with that scene. This is reflected in her clubber trait and an outfit I saved to formal outfits for those occasions. I was considering giving her the rave organizer trait from Basemental Drugs but decided against it, I'd rather she have the muser trait from a creative aspiration still.

Selda and her father have custom traits (Movie Buff and Restless) by Kuttoe

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how can you never let me down? beautiful.