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Hey! So this one is gonna be a little bit light on characterization, I've been working on this sim and it seems that people really like this one so I figured I'd fast-track her to upload, so expect some roughish edges when it comes to some of the outfits and the overall charactterization. Hope that's alright.

Anyway Hayley is 18 years old and she's into music, though very selective as reflected in her likes/dislikes (it's basically like metal and dislike everything else), beyond just listening to and going to concerts she's also got some skill points in both guitar and singing, whether she actually ends up pursuing that in some way or another is still a bit up in the air (and as mentioned above, characterization I have for her is on the light side).

Beyond the above she's got something of an abrasive pesronality, emotional and argumentative, quick to anger and can get jealous or possessive in her relationships.




Reuploaded the 1of2 archive, because she was missing some pants.