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So getting right into information the people care about. I will be releasing Paizuri Heaven II tomorrow morning very bright and early so you guys have something to watch with your breakfast!

I've worked my butt off since I've gotten my PC back and finished the UI and sounds up to the Finale. I still have a few finishing touches to do on previous rounds such as sounds being too loud or too repetitive at times.

As I'm posting this I was just working on Dialogue and have that finished up to Round 12 (started at Round 9 this morning) I would be getting more done but due to crashes and errors I've been getting delayed like 5 minutes of my time since a part of my PC is still broken (my graphics card was damaged during shipping, waiting on a new one)

So that about sums up the work part of Paizuri Heaven II. Now for something new!

Paizuri Heaven III Development! I think I'll be doing less rounds this time around either by half or by a quarter because 20 rounds has taken a lot out of me with all the fuss I've been having with this PC.

When I finish Paizuri Heaven III, I'll probably make Paizuri Heaven IV without a vote after I get my PC fully repaired!

Thank you guys for tuning in and, supporting me!
Also, depending on you guys, I can release another minor preview before tomorrow morning. Just like or comment under the post and I'll see what I can put together before taking my break!




I'd say we can all wait for tomorrow and see no spoilers! No need to make another preview.