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Dreamcatcher 'Apocalypse : From Us' Album First Listen



I've been waiting for this!!!!!!!!! OMG


I think Bon Voyage is a song about the last greeting before going on a journey. So I think the verse is calm as if it were reminiscent of time, and the chorus contains aspirations and energy for the future. I also enjoyed the reaction to the B-side! Vacation!!ㅠㅠ I'm curious about Kevin's reaction to Bon Voyage🤣

Christian Oettl

Can always count on Umu reacting to DC! And I can't wait for the Bonvoyage and Demian reactions. Bonus if you didn't hear: the producers hid the members names in To. You 2nd verse. Even the members didn't notice until he posted about it on social network.

Christian Oettl

No, in the lyrics of the actual verse. Some names are split up though so it may not be as obvious. Ollounder posted it on his instagram, here's a link to that post on twitter https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fxbi92QaMAAnkEJ?format=jpg&name=large