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WONPIL 'Pilmography' Album First Listen: Last Goodbye, Unpainted Canvas & A Journey



I was going to just say one thing bc my brain is fried from the work week and World Events but after listening to your closing remarks I'm like *sweats nervously* now. Re: A Journey: Wonpil said in a few interviews that he secretly (not so secretly anymore I guess) wanted this to be the title song! And also it's just lyrically so fitting as a send-off. Your anime remark made me laugh because like, so true! And there's apparently been this trend of people making edits to Journey - including a Haikyuu one! which Wonpil mentioned watching - so there you go. My favourites are, in no particular order: Stranded, Writer in a Love Story, and Pieces. I love the message of Stranded a lot and the way it could've gone dark but was more optimistic, and how that's reflected musically. (ETA: I especially enjoy the 이젠 달라 달라 달라 / 놀라 놀라 놀라워 lines, the repeated rhyming lyrically and musically - they're just ... fun, and the assonance in the Korean title - also the words in the first line of the chorus -- also just sounds so nice and satisfying, and very Day6??) Writer in a Love Story is just SWEET. I loved the jazzy stylings of it, the piano, the little brass flourishes, and the way I could envision a musical number set to it: the set, the blocking, the lighting. And Pieces - I know you guys wished for a bit of a change but I'm just a sucker for that rhythm, the recurring like ... DD/EE/GG/BB(FF) er, motif? thing?, and general laidback vibe. AND also that simile about being like a rubbish bin without a lid ... that just made me chuckle ... and then made me sad.