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Tendonitis update: went to the PT and basically they said i've been overworking my muscles, told me to stop doing 3+hours-straight of editing since I'm now prone to this injury, and Hardcore Messaged my arms so they feel MUCH better now! Will slooowly start editing again to try out a new pace of editing.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEqvtmVbPQI


hiatus life, birth of CMR vetting process + guessing the k-pop song by its hajimaaaa



Glad to hear you've learned to listen to your body (and that you love what you do, cause we love to watch). I'd never noticed how much you wave you hands around during videos, so watching today after you mentioned it was kind of funny and kind of worrisom. You really may have to tie your hands or something :D


Fun post Please take care of your body! Btw I did almost3 years of PT 2-5x's a week; cause I severely tore my adductor and gracilis muscles. One end of those attaches to the groin, so yeah... ~ 6 months of ice baths. Yikes!! continuing to play soccer led to ligament problems and a mild hernia!


I hurt myself doing hobbies too! Please pace yourself so it doesn't become a long term issue, or you'll really regret it. (I am also very self critical and tend to push myself too hard)


I had a very similar injury. I highly recommend https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074PZYGY2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Absolutely no issues after wearing them for long computer sessions.