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R1 The Boyz 'No Air (A Song of Ice and Fire)' Performance Reaction.mp4


Hyago Alencar

'A Song of Ice and Fire' it's a reference to the series of book by George R. R. Martin that creates the universe of 'Game of Thrones' (the 1st book of the series)... They used another reference of 'Game of Thrones' tv show in the 2nd round with 'The Red Wedding' that is a event that happens on the 3rd book of the series (A Storm of Swords).


Umu, I would also like to say that you don't have to worry overly about the plot to Game of Thrones - I feel like TBZ use it more as just story motifs and thematic inspiration, rather than directly retelling events from the books. 😅 Their next performance really convinced me of that, haha. I've definitely read how some people(many of the same people who always level criticism at them for utilizing props and stagecraft for their performances) are tired of GOT and it's a tired concept but -- Game of Thrones is *literally* about the struggle to win the throne, to be king. It's such an appropriate inspiration for this show and they can do so much with it still.


Oh yeah, I forgot to add - none of the songs from the first round got studio versions sadly 😭 I was so disappointed

April Plendl

Hey Umu have you ever listened to anything by Ahn Ye Eun? If not can I suggest her song Sailing?


I’ve heard the majority of her works but I still need to catch up with most March + April released. I’ll get to em when I can ^^

April Plendl

I just recently found her. I love her voice and style.

Frank Ansak

Hey April If you weren't aware of it: Arirang has a you tube channel called Club.KOM that has live performances of a quite a few gugak/KTrad/fusion/jazz/pop bands like LEENALCHI, sEODo BAND, JAMBINAI. Also a bunch of singers like Park Jin-hee, Lee Bong-geun and Jang Seo-yoon. I'm thinking you might be interested in some of them. Bonus is that Arirang is a Seoul based English broadcast company So lyrics/subs and MC's=English