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So March is coming to an end, and as you know, I have no rewards set up yet. My exams finish in April, so rewards will probably be available in May.

If you are pledging a certain amount this month, you WILL BE GETTING the reward for March when I start distributing them. If you are donating 1$, this will not affect you, because you will still only be getting access to Patreon-only feed as you are now, BUT, if you are pledging more, for example 10$ in March, you will be getting the 10$ reward FOR MARCH when I make them available.

For example, I was thinking of doing digital fansigns for my 10$ Patrons. So when I start giving rewards, you will be getting a fansign for March, April and so on 😊

If for any reason you have to stop pledging after this month or the next, just send me a message on Patreon BEFORE YOU UNPLEDGE (I don't know if you can send me messages on Patreon after you unpledge) so you can give me your email and shipping info (if necessary) so I can still give you the reward, even if it might be in a month or 2 😁

Thank you so so so much for supporting my dreams and helping me reach my goals! I hope you all enjoy what I put on my Patreon for you 😊❀ xxx



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