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Hey babes, so I’m going to be doing some tier restructuring. Nothing is getting more expensive, don’t worry 😛 I just need to change a few things that aren’t really working out for me.

As a lot of you know, I suffer from anxiety. I really need to makes some changes because my anxiety is getting bad and I don’t want to go back to the point I was 4 years ago when I felt nauseous 24/7. This is not me trying to get your sympathy, I just feel like I need to be open with you about my mental health and why these changes need to occur for me to not break down.
If these tier changes don’t please you, then please DO NOT feel bad for unpledging or lowering your pledge! I completely understand and it’s totally normal not to want to pay for a service that you no longer want! I will not be sad, it makes me sadder promising rewards to you amazing people and then disappointing you when I’ll eventually burn out because of everything I have to do.

Let’s start with the main change, the one I’m dreading the most. The $50 tier will no longer have Skype or gaming rewards. When I started this tier, I honestly never thought I would get passed 20 patrons. Gaming/skyping with 1 or 2 people a month was easy, but now I just can’t devote that much time to 20+ people 😞 Instead, $50 tier will have 1 casual lewd set every month on top of the other monthly sexy set. This means out of cosplay, just regular me in lingerie, no wig or funny business. I’ll be buying a ton of new lingerie for this ❤️ So $50 tier gets 2 sexy sets every month!

I know a lot of people signing up for the $50 tier wanted to connect with me more and don’t necessarily care for the extra lewds. SO I’ve decided to finally push through with my discord server! Available for ALL patrons (and patrons ONLY), I will be checking in once a day, saying hi, chatting, sending a funny video I found or whatever. That way I get to connect with all of you in way that doesn’t take so much of my time that I can’t cosplay 😅 I’ll be sending it to past patrons as well so it’ll be my big beautiful family ❤️ (I’ll send out the link at soon as I can.)

Also, I know I haven’t had much time to game or Skype this month, so next month I’ll be dedicating my time for the current $50 tier patrons! Don’t worry, if you signed up for those rewards this month, you will still be able to get those rewards, I’m just a tiny bit late because of the convention coming up 😅

Second, no more fansigns for $10 tier. I’m already sooooo far behind on fansigns because I look at the mountain of fansigns I need to do and it’s just incredibly overwhelming... So from now on, $10 tier gets... A SELFIE SET 😁

I’m actually really excited for this one! So just like my $25+ tiers get a digital folder every month with 50+ pictures, videos and mini-sets, the $10 tier (and all higher tiers) will get a selfie folder with 20~ selfies I took throughout the month! ❤️ Selfies in and out of cosplay, mirror selfies and traditional selfies, casual and a bit of sexy selfies as well 😊
It’s generally faster to just take selfies rather than make fansigns one by one, check my emails to see who wants fansigns, etc. And this way, you get a ton of different pictures rather than just the one ❤️

I hope you guys aren’t mad at me, and again, PLEASE don’t feel bad for lowering your pledge or unpledging if these changes don’t make you happy. I love you with all my heart and I want to keep doing this job for a VERY long time. I am truly sorry for anyone I am disappointing and I hope you can forgive me ❤️

I love you all and thank you for sticking by me ❤️



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