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So Patreon has finally made it available for its creators to switch to "charge up front". This is a great option, because this prevents people from pledging, getting to see all the content and leaving right before the first so they don't have to pay (which has happened to me A LOT).

Here's how it works: by changing to this system, people are charged as soon as they pledge FOR THAT CURRENT MONTH. They will then be charged every first of the month for the FOLLOWING MONTH. Meaning:

*Example: If you pledged 20$ on May 25th, you were charged on May 25th for MAY, AND you will be charged AGAIN June 1st for JUNE REWARDS if you stick around! (No worries, you will be getting all the rewards you payed for)

Here's where it gets really complicated:
IF YOU EDITED YOUR PLEDGE THIS MONTH, you have been charged the difference between your original pledge and your new pledge AND will be charged that new amount on June 1st as well!

*Example: if you changed from 20 to 35$ this month, you were charged 15$ to make up the difference. You will then be charged 35$ on June 1st for June rewards!

SOOOOOO THIS MEANS I NEED TO CALCULATE THE REWARDS I OWE YOU IN TOTAL. So technically you received 1 print/1 polaroid last month (20$ reward). But now you pushed that up to 35$, meaning I owe you another print!!! And then you will be getting 2 prints/1 polaroid for June as normal.

Again, if you were here last month and didn't edit, you will be charged on the 1st and get rewards as you normally do.

If you are new and pledged THIS MONTH and wished to only pledge ONE MONTH, get those rewards and take off your pledge/lower your pledge, you need to lower it BEFORE JUNE 1st!!
You WILL STILL be getting rewards because your payment went through, even if you unpledge before the 1st! (This only applies to new patrons who pledged in May)

*Example: you pledged 50$ this month. You were charged 50$. I will be sending you 2 prints/2 polaroids. You only wanted to do that for one month, so you lower your pledge before June 1st. On June 1st, you'll be charged that new amount and get the rewards along with the new amount.

LAST THING: now, if you are new and choose to stay (which I would be so grateful if you do 😊), I will be sending you your rewards for May AND June when I ship everything! (Probably during the week of June 5th)

*Example: You pledged 20$ on May 25th. You are charged May 25th. You stick around, you are charged 20$ June first. When I ship everything out, you will get 1 print/1 polaroid for May and 1 print/1 polaroid for June. You will get a total of 2 prints/2 polaroids in the mail.

So what rewards are you receiving?! Red Card Katarina was the plan for this month, so everyone who qualifies gets Red Card Katarina!
Also, any new people who will pledge in June will get Red Card Katarina.
If you are new to May or edited your plegde, you can send me a message and decide what print you want for May (between VK sweater or Flareon) because of all this mix up (if you qualify). For the following months, I will have a theme and it will be easier.

Thanks for reading this long ass message. Love you babes ❤️


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