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📣Overseas event participation information!📣

I will go to Taiwan again!


Taipei  2023ACE 2023. 11. 11 (Sat) - 12 (Sun)

首頁 | 2023ACE動漫創作展|AnimeCreatorExpo


I'm very happy to be able to go to Taiwan again.(*´ω`*)

I will help with the company booths just like I did at FF.

You can take photos and purchase my new merchandise.

There may be an appearance on stage this time as well.ฅ(º ロ º ฅ)

Please come and see me(*´ ˘ `*)

Also, during this year,

There is a high possibility that I will go to Singapore and South Korea!

Stay tuned for details!(´,,•ω•,,`)



Yesss, I wish you good luck with all preparations and trips (◕‿◕) ♡