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I will present you a new photo book!🎁

About a month later, the world's largest otaku event "Comic Market" will be held.ヾ(*'ω'*)ノ

It's the most enthusiastic event twice a year✨️✨️

I will open a store at the event and sell new photobooks.📖📸

I will present a new work to the members of PATREON!

The targets are macaroons and Kobe beef.

Please join by the end of August.(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡

If you have difficulty purchasing books from overseas, please take this opportunity.(*'ω'*)

〇Macaron members

・ Image data of the photo book. 📖(DL) |⬇️|

・ Autographed bromide set. 📷(International mail)✉️✈️

〇Kobe beef members🐮

・ Autographed paper photo book.📖🖊 (International mail)✉️✈️

・ Handmade decoration Cheki. 🖼🖊(International mail)✉️✈️

・ Image data of the photo book.📖 (DL) |⬇️|

・ Autographed bromide set. 📷(International mail)✉️✈️

The photobook is under construction, so please wait a little longer for details!

Click here to join the tier ↓↓

Kurumi is creating Cosplay | Patreon

Please be sure to enter the address by the deadline.

I look forward to your participation(*´ ˘ `*)♡




I hope you have a super nice event Kurumi-san, Good luck