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Hi fam!

We have another episode of Star Trek TOS today. This week we are watching Errand of Mercy. I love watching our crew interact with the Klingons. This episode was really cool. We got to see once again, the similarities between the Klingons and Star Fleet. Check out my comments at the end of the reaction! Also, I'm not feeling well - so, unfortunately, I will only be posting one episode this week. But, I will be back with the final two episodes next week! I can't believe we are at the end of our journey guys!!

Chat soon!





Ian Smith

This is clearly a momentous story from a Trek pov - but it must be said that it's otherwise not especially memorable! I like the idea of a race of people so far above the Federation (and its enemies) intellectually and physiologically that they render them and the Klingons irrelevant. It's a nice little sci-fi idea - but the entertainment factor for this episode has little to do with them - it's ALL down to the numerous exchanges of words between Kirk and Kor; which are great fun (and John Collicos makes a great impression as 'First Ever Klingon'). In Season One we don't see any returning enemies. Therefore ,the Romulans and Klingons (as well as all the other bad guys - the Squire of Gothos e.g.) were never really planned to be long-running foes. The reason the Klingons ended up having more return appearances than anyone else was because their make-up and costumes were simple to arrange - whereas Romulan make-up needed fake ear prosthetics, which cost money to manufacture. The creator of the Klingons (Gene L. Coon) never really intended them to be anything more than 'villains of the week', and was never happy with their name. 'Klingon' was simply a place-holder name which he put into the script in order not to have any blank spaces; while giving him time to think up something more sinister and effective. Unfortunately, neither he (nor anyone else - including Gene Roddenberry) were able to come up with anything better before filming started - so 'Klingon' is what they remained! Incidentally, what happened to all that peril that Sulu was under? One moment we have a dramatic shot of masses of Klingon ships firing at the Enterprise - the next, it's all forgotten.

Alexxa Reigns

Thank you so much for that info! This makes this that much more interesting! I can't wait to see how the Klingon lore grows! 💛