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May 25, 2024 Update: I'm still working on Assignment: Earth, I'm hoping to have it posted tomorrow. My body is telling me to rest, so I will listen 💛


Hi fam!

I just came back from the doctor and my back (and symptoms) have gotten progressively worse, so I am on bedrest for the next few days as the inflammation goes down around my spine. As such, today's GG and Star Trek episodes will be postponed.

Golden Girls: Snap Out of It will be released on Monday, May 27th (that means that you will get two watch-along episodes on Monday!)

Star Trek: The Omega Glory will be posted until tomorrow with Assignment: Earth.

Sorry for the delays, and thank you for understanding 💛



Ross Johnston

Alexxa, love. No need to say you’re sorry. Take care of yourself first! We aren’t going anywhere. I will use your time to rest to catch up on some GG episodes I’ve missed! With the amazing attitude and personality you have, you’ll be up and running again in no time! Get well sweetheart!! Xoxo

John Grist

Praying for you