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Actual footage of me over the month lol 

I'm in the home stretch of another important deadline for the project I'm working on, so I've really been pushing myself to finish the month strong! While this project has been the longest and most difficult I've been a part of so far, it's also been the most rewarding. I sincerely love the team I'm working with, the story I'm helping share is really fun and funny, and all the pieces of the project are finally starting to come together.....it makes me so excited to be a part of and I really can't wait till I can share WHAT exactly it is with y'all!

I also think all the work has altered my brain a little bit -- when I'm not furiously drawing at my desk, I'm either cooking/baking something bread-related in the kitchen, or I'm thinking about what loaf I'm gonna make next lol 🍞✨ I also started to grow a sourdough starter from scratch at the beginning of the month and now it's like my little yeast pet! Here are a handful of the (better looking stuff) I've made so far ✨ And considering how my home-cooking journey began in 2016, when I first moved away for college and spent 8 months making the same cheese quesadilla for every meal until my throat physically wouldn't swallow another bite.......I'm quite proud of this new turn of events hahaha πŸ₯²πŸ₯²

As always, thank you for reading and for sticking around during this busy period! All this work is leading up to something very, very cool, I promise~~ πŸ‘€πŸ“–βœ¨



Delroy Goveas

Bread goals. Also carbs! But who can hate on foccacia. Isssaa the bessst (Italian accent)


I think I'd like to change my dreams to bread and baking in general... How do I do that?