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If you've got an idea or scene you'd like to request this month, comment it down below!

I'll share 10-15 requests as sketches at the end of the month, and may choose some for our Patreon-exclusive illustration! If I happen to not get to your request this month, I'll give you first priority next month -- so please feel free to send your idea in again.

I look forward to reading your suggestions~! 🍂✨



Does Jon have like, a hyper fixation that he doesn’t talk about like, at all, and then Alex is just like “I wonder how building the Shinkansen took…” and Jon is like “ok SO. [Forty Minutes of Japanese High Speed Rail History]”


Hahah I just love the idea of Jon going on hyper-specific tangents 😂😂 Thanks for the idea!


Im a bit late this months, but I’d love something about Jon and his plants. Like does he have a favorite?