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Chapter 10 is (slowly 🥲) in progress!

Thank you all so much again for your patience while I work on the new episodes and take a little personal hiatus. This break was very needed so I feel grateful to have been given the space and time to rest 💗

Things are still pretty busy in my day job (and it's taken all my willpower to not spill the beans about it lol), but the silver lining is that it's taught me how to create passable outlines without my usual sketches! So in this new chapter, I'm going from my thumbnails straight to my outlines - and hopefully you won't be able to tell the difference in the final draft haha 😅

Lots of smiley-Alex and sibling content to look forward to in the new chapter....very excited to share it all soon! 🥰🥰




Its so good to see Alex smiling so much, my babie deserves all the happiness in the world (the three of them actually). Will we be seeing something more from Jon though?


Alex certainly does deserve a break after the last few chapters lol 🥲🥲 And yes! Chapter 10 kinda shifts the focus from Alex back to Jon….I think the end of the chapter will make lots of people happy 👀✨


I love seeing your process! It's cool to see how roughly you lay everything out before putting the detail and finer lines to things 💖


Aw I’m glad to hear my first scribbles are interesting to see haha! 🥰🥰


I can’t really imagine the lengthy process to draw a “planche” (French word to designate the sheet being sketched and drawn) and it’s quite interesting to discover the process. Thanks for bringing some news and I’m very trilled to discover the upcoming chapter 😊💖


I’m really excited for this u have no idea


It unfortunately does take a while haha :,,) But I'm excited you're excited -- I can't wait to share what I have in store~! 🤩🤩


Ahh I'm so glad! I really hope you'll enjoy what I have planned! 🤩💗