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(CW: imagery of depression/mental health problems)

Baby steps....😭💗




the way jon just drops everything and comes over, no questions asked, no second thoughts 🥺🥺 the way alex just had enough energy to go to the door and open it after the phone conversation, but not enough energy to wait there until jon arrives 😭💜 the way the "i'm on my way" is written over a dark blue background with a "person is not in this room" type speech bubble 😭😭 i don't know if i'm reading things into shapes here too much, but i am absolutely reading things into colours: i think that's alex' background, which normally would be grey, but hearing these words from jon makes it at least a little bit more colourful 😭💜 (it's still a super dark blue, but it's definitely *not* grey!) baby steps indeed!! 😭💜😭💜😭💜


You are not reading too much into it. Since the beginning, Sawah has always used color, shape, position, perspective, etc, to enrich the way the story is told. It's perfectly valid to bring things to the table as an observer. It's a part of the exchange we add to the conversation with the artist.


I love how every frame of Jon after he says he is on his way shows a spirit of urgency. I feel like I can see his concern and love for Alex in it. The awkward face he makes after Alex says he will be fine by tomorrow shows a recognition of where Alex is and a tender compassion in his desire to be present. Jon may have his faults, but it feels like this world is not worthy of his purity of heart and love for others.


Ahhhh I absolutely love your interpretation of that blue panel! Definitely gives what Jon says a lot more meaning to Alex listening to it 🥺💗💗 I’m also so happy you enjoy their interactions this episode too. Topher, Marcie, Theo, and now Jon have all had different reactions to Alex reaching out for help. I hope that the way they each respond shows more of what type of relationship they have with Alex rn! 🥺💗


Aww I love how you noticed Jon's sense of urgency in the latter half of the episode! He can definitely sense something is very wrong with Alex - but doesn't know to what extent until he sees him in bed 🥺