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Coming up for the finale of Chapter 7 this weekend: a few Marcie/Jon friendship moments I'm desperate to draw more of -- and the return of Theo...👀☕️

Plus a little foreshadowing at the end of Ep 7.16 for the next Chapter. All the talk and set-up of how Alex is still affected by his ex and how he uses temporary solutions to cope will finally come into play ✨

Thanks so much for reading this monster of a chapter -- I really look forward to begin the next one (that is hopefully shorter :,) ) with you! 🥰🥰




“Steal my spot on the couch FINE sneaky link is being contacted” ALEX PLEASE 😭😭😭😭


😭😂😂 that’s actually kind of how the episode goes jgxjgx


SOBS I feel so bad for Alex but you're right. He needs to realize that the solutions he's using to distract himself from how he's feeling aren't healthy!! Not just for him but for the people around him. I feel really bad for Theo too since he obviously struggles setting his own boundaries and expressing how he feels for the sake of other people's feelings :((( I hope they all get time to learn and heal soon


Yesss it’s gonna be a hard lesson to learn — but a necessary one for Alex to realize before he can finally start to heal 😭😭 Ahh I’m really excited to share the next couple chapters with you! It’ll be a bit of a rocky journey, but Alex will (at last) start to make some progress 🥲💗