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Our monthly Q&A post! Feel free to comment any questions you may have here (webcomic/OC related or not) and I'll be happy to answer them! 👀✨



Something that's inexplicably been in my mind lately. Do the gang (especially Jon and Alex) LIKE dressing up in androgynous clothing and all that canonically or is that something we as an audience subject them to lol?


Aw that's a good question! I feel like both Jon and Alex have a "why not" attitude toward androgynous clothes ✨ Alex and Marcie both would've experimented with Marcie's mom's clothes and makeup when they were kids. Alex is okay with the idea of wearing things like skirts or dresses, but I think he's most comfortable when he can hide inside of bulky clothes like hoodies and sweaters. It's more of an implied characteristic rather than something said explicitly, but Alex gained a lot of weight due to his depression at the beginning of the story, and he's a little self-conscious about it :,) Jon grew up with sisters too, and Akira probably handed down some of her old clothes to Jon. He's probably more comfortable in his body than Alex to pull off androgynous fits, but would be pressured by his mom and conservative workplace to not stray outside of traditionally masculine clothes. Those are their canonical feelings -- but please feel free to keep requesting seeing them in androgynous clothes! Each drawing can be them in the future, when they're both finally confident and comfortable wearing whatever they want! 🥰✨


I've always been curious what is something you've done/felt/seen/etc. that you wish you could experience again for the first time?


Oooh that’s an interesting one! 👀 I think I would wish to experience doing activities with my best friend from high school for the first time again ✨I have vivid memories of when we used to draw and create characters together, get sushi after class, sing Marina and the Diamonds in my car, etc. It’s been years since I’ve seen her, so to experience those things again with her would be amazing 😭💗