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Happy New Years, friends!!! Here's our monthly Q&A post~! Feel free to send in any questions you may have (webcomic/OC related or not) and I'll be happy to answer them. Please don't feel pressured to ask anything either if you can't think of anything this month. 

I look forward to answering whatever questions you may have, and have a great rest of your 2021!! ✨✨




Do you have any other characters/stories that you'd feel you would want to tell after this comic is finished? Oh, and would you ever see yourself writing stories or are you only comfortable with comics? Happy New Years and good luck with your 2022 goals by the way


Aw happy new year, and good luck to you too!! Thank you for the good questions! 🥰🥰 At the moment, I don't have any other stories in mind -- but I'd love to branch out and create more characters once Jon and Alex's story is coming to an end. My partner has also bugged me to draw his comic idea, which is about the adventures of a ghost and a funeral director....so I may finally do that for him 🤩 I also think I'm a much better artist than a writer. The first draft of Jon and Alex's story was actually in novel form and to put it lightly....it could've been better lmao. But getting better at writing is one of my goals -- instead of a longform piece, I could see myself writing a short story! ✨


Is there a song that always makes you happy whenever it comes on? What about a song you like a lot, but always makes you melancholy/sad when it comes on? Have you ever been exposed to durian fruit? If yes, how do you feel about it?


Ahhh so hard to choose just a few songs! 😭 Lovefool by the Cardigans and Hey Na Na by Katie Herzig never fail to make me grin like an idiot haha 💗 On the other side, I have a vivid memory of my old best friend sharing Happy by Marina and the Diamonds with me — whenever I listen to it today, I remember her and get very melancholy :,)


Also I have not eaten durian before! But never say never haha! ✨


Because my family is a bunch of stale end pieces of white bread, I got some durian flavored wafers as a gag. My mayonnaise nose was not prepared for what hit me when I opened the package. Turns out, it was literally a gag gift, as everyone, me included, were gagging as I hurriedly rushed them outside to the trash. It will be an event long remembered with laughter by my kids.


Before today, I had only hear of the Cardigans, but that's because they were on the radio when I was growing up. I loved it then, and I still do. Happy is such a mepancholic vibe. Such a lovely song. I will have to get a Marina playlist going.


Oh my gosh 😭😂😂 at least the others were hit by the gag gift too! I’ll have to be extra cautious when facing durians in the future hahah ✨